Our Committee

Stockland and Yarcombe Preschool is managed by a volunteer committee, which is essential for the successful running of the preschool.

The core committee members are the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.

There is also a Fundraising sub-committee which focuses on raising money through events and activities to raise vital funds to support the preschool. New committee members are recruited annually at our Annual General Meeting, held in September. All committee members are registered with Ofsted and undergo Ofsted’s statutory background checks and vetting process.


Haley Powell

Oversees Pre-school management, responsible for safeguarding.


Charlotte Broom

Supports and assists Chair.


Gemma Burrough

Deals with finances & liaises with village hall committee.


Emma Cousins

Organises meetings and keeps us in line!


Rosanne Derryman

Organises fundraising events.

If you’d be interested in joining the committee or helping out at our fundraising events, please do speak to any staff or committee member.

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